Captain Code

A group academic project built by me and four others (team of five) in December 2020. This was my first android application I had ever developed.

This project was fairly challenging as only me and one other of my team members contributed anything significant to the project. I learned a lot about java android development and how to properly review code to reach a better quality product. The most challenging part of this project was not code however, it was inner group conflict. This project taught me how to better handle conflict between group members and how to lead people away from meaningless drama to improve the productivity of all members. Overall, I wouldn’t say I take pride in the project. While it did function and do as designed I believe if my group worked our conflicts out sooner we could have created a more fun and interactive product.

This product features notes, menus, fragments for controls, basic animation with surface view, different character skins, and three simple levels.

The code for this project can be found on my github or by following this link!

‘Captain Code Launch Screen’