Computer Graphics Showroom

The first website I had ever built. This site used Three.JS library to render multiple objects and allow the user to traverse the room using ‘wasd’ controls. The user could also interact with different lights and objects in the room, changing their color or direction.

This project was built for my computer graphics course. I did signficantly more than required however, as the assignment did not require first person controls, object interaction, border walls, or texture normal maps on the objects. Additionally I pursued this project solo, although it was recommended as a group project for three people. This was my first time doing web development using javascript and was a project that taught me a signficant amount of the language.

The Computer Graphics Showroom is not currently hosted on any service. If you would like to try it out you must launch it with live server from an IDE of your choosing. The code for this project can be found on my github or by following this link!

‘graphics showroom’